Package Development

This page is primarily for freetz package developers.

Persistent Package Settings

Freetz provides a package configuration framework easing implementation and allows settings to be stored persistently. Packages must provide two files to use the framework:

  1. /etc/default.$package/$package.cfg — This file must contain all configuration settings as exported shell variables; each variable has to start with the capitalized package name. Example:

    export PACKAGE_VAR1='var1'
    export PACKAGE_VAR2='var2'
  1. /usr/lib/cgi-bin/$package.cgi — This is the cgi file used for package configuration. It has to be registered via ‚modreg cgi‘. For examples, have a look at some package providing a web interface page.

If this is implemented correctly, freetz takes care of saving and also restarting the service, if the package provides one.

Custom package saving mechanism

Freetz also provides a mechanism to hook into the ‚normal‘ saving procedure and execute custom code or do manual saving. An example using this mechanism is the package mini_fo. This mechanism comes in quite handy if the package needs to re-create configuration files or start/stop special (non-default) services on changing the configuration. It works as follows: If a package provides a file /etc/default.$package/$, it will be sourced by the saving mechanism as a shell script (but it should not have a shebang line!). The .save-script can implement any or all of the following shell functions, which are executed at some special point during the saving mechanims:

Executed before saving happens.
Executed after settings were changed, but before they are saved to flash. ATTENTION! This is not executed if there are no settings (no $package.cfg file)!
Executed after settings were saved to flash.
Executed before saving happens when loading the package defaults.
Executed after settings were changed, but before they are saved to flash when loading the package defaults. ATTENTION! This is not executed if there are no settings (no $package.cfg file)!
Executed after settings were saved to flash when loading the package defaults.