Net-SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) includes an open source SNMPd agent to monitor and administer SNMP capable network devices like routers and switches.
You can poll the snmpd agent on the router to obtain e.g. interface or CPU statistics information and display this in a nice graph with the help of a program like ​MRTG
More info about Net-SNMP can be found via: ​

Creating a Feetz Image with Net-SNMP

Follow the directions from the Wiki
After the following step you can configure the packages you want to have included in your image.
make menuconfig

Make sure the following is selected (so I have 1 out of 3 selected):

Package selection  ---> Standard packages  ---> [*] Net-SNMP snmpd
Package selection  ---> Standard packages  ---> [ ]   With openssl encryption (NEW)
Package selection  ---> Standard packages  ---> [ ]   With zlib compression (NEW)

Setup in Freetz web-interface


First you should create a snmpd.conf file. This file contains all configuration options for Net-SNMP, including a community string, which you can regard as a password for access control. [[br] A full description of all possible parameters can be found in the online manual page: ​
You can edit the snmpd.conf file via the Freetz web-interface via Net-SNMP > snmpd.conf

If you would like to have a minimal config you can use the following:

rocommunity public
rwcommunity private
This way access contol is only based on the communiy string.
I found an example config with more accss contol options in one of the attachments in this thread: ​
This shows how to control access based on source IP address range with additional options to restrict access.
##  source          community
##      ========  ======          =========
com2sec readonly     <community string>
com2sec readonly  <community string>
#com2sec paranoid  default         <community string>
com2sec paranoid   <community string>

##  sec.model
##      =================  =========  ========
group   MyROSystem         v1         paranoid
group   MyROSystem         v2c        paranoid
group   MyROSystem         usm        paranoid
group   MyROGroup          v1         readonly
group   MyROGroup          v2c        readonly
group   MyROGroup          usm        readonly

##     incl/excl  MIB.subtree    mask
##      ==============    =========  ===========    ====
view    all               included   .1             80
view    system            included   .

##      MIB
##   context sec.model sec.level prefix read     write  notif
##      ==========   ======= ========= ========= ====== ====     =====  =====
access  MyROSystem   ""      any       noauth    exact  system   none   none
access  MyROGroup    ""      any       noauth    exact  all      none   none
If you only allow access from inside your trusted network you can use the default community string, which is for readonly public and for readwrite private.
More information on the View-Based Access Control Model (VACM) can be found on the ​Net-SNMP Wiki
Net-SNMP snmpd.conf

Net-SNMP snmpd.conf


After saving a snmpd.conf file using the Net-SNMP > snmpd.conf setup page you can enable Net-SNMP to start automatically at bootup.
Net-SNMP Setup

Net-SNMP Setup


With many Linux distributions you als have snmp tools included like snmpget, snmpset, snmpwalk, …
A quick guide how to use these tools can be found ​on the site.

Some commands: To get a list of interface descriptions (ifDesc):

snmpwalk -v 2c -c <community string> .
snmpwalk -v 2c -c <community string> -O a .

To get a list of all available objects:

snmpwalk -v 2c -c <community string> .1


The Multi Router Traffic Grapher will allow you to generate nice graphs of the data available via SNMP.
This can be system information like uptime, interface information and statistics, and more.
The graphs can help a lot with trouble clearing issues, both with the FritsBox (e.g. CPU memory), and in the network.
For more info see the ​MRTG site.
Here an example on the graph you can generate:
MRTG lan interface daily graph

MRTG lan interface daily graph

The following wiki page will provide more detailed information to installation and configuration: